Den Canadiske forfatteren, kritikereren og kuratoren John K. Grande er for tiden gjest på Skåbu Artist in Residence som drives av billedkunstner Patrick Huse. Tirsdag 14 juni kl. 11- 12 holder han en presentasjon på Oppland Kunstsenter om sin praksis og sine bøker innen kunst og økologi.


John K. Grande

A leading figure in art and ecology, John K. Grande is author of a range of books that include Balance: Art and Nature (Black Rose Books, 1994), Art Nature Dialogues (SUNY Press, New York 2003), Nils-Udo; Sur l’Eau (Actes Sud, France, 2015), Jason de Caires Taylor (Museo Atlantico, Lanzarote, Spain, 2019), Art Space, Ecology; Two Views Twenty Interviews (University of Chicago, 2020) and Kunst Raum Natur (J. S. Klotz Verlagshaus, Germany, 2022). John K. Grande’s Earth Art shows include the Royal Botanical Gardens, Van Dusen Gardens in Vancouver, B.C., the Pori Art Museum, Finland (2011), Meran, Italy (2014), and the Pan Am Games in Canada, 2015. 

John K. Grande’s writings have been published extensively in Artforum, Vice Versa, Art Papers, British Journal of Photography, Burlington Magazine, Public Art Review, Interalia, Lensculture On Paper, Arte.Es, Public Art Review and Landscape Architecture.